
Become a DarkLight Ministries Member Today!

Foundation - $25/mo. | $250/yr

  • Subscription to our Monthly Newsletter

  • Access to our Members Area

  • 10% Discount on all Products and Services

Premium - $50/mo. | $500/yr

  • Foundation Membership Benefits, plus

  • Premium priority for Event Registration

  • 15% Discount on all Products and Services

  • 1 Free Foudation Product every 3 months

Platinum - $125/mo. | $1250/yr

  • Premium Membership Benefits, plus

  • Platinum priority for Event Registration

  • 20% Discount on all Products and Services

  • 1 Free Counseling Session per month

Luminary - $500/mo. | $5,000/yr

No tangible benefits

The Luminary Membership Package is designed to accommodate large donors

This package enables philanthropic donation on a recurring basis

Luminary donors enable our ministry to provide additional resources to our community

  • Rainy Day Relief - a program which delivers raincoats and hot coffee to homeless on rainy days

  • Workplace Wellness - a program which delivers counseling services to local workers in high stress positions

  • Warm Winters - a program that provides blankets, coats and hot coffee to the needy during cold winter months

  • Motivational Mondays - a program which produces motivational content in a variety of formats including blog posts and short video production

  • Summer Waterhole - a program that delivers bottled water to the needy during heat waves

Luminary donors may donate openly and receive acknowledgement, or may choose to remain anonymous

Luminary Promo - $750/mo. | $7,500/yr

Luminary Members may choose to add the promotional package which includes

Your company’s logo or your personal image on our website

A link to your desired landing page

A statement of thanks for your level of support

You may opt to include a statement of your personal or your company’s mission

For an additional $1,000 one time fee, we will produce a professional video interview with you or your chosen representative to discuss your philanthropy, goals, and vision. This will be published on our website and may be used for your own promotional material.

Volunteer - No cost

Access to our Members Area

Access to our Monthly Newsletter

Invitations to all events

Opportunities to volunteer with the organization

To volunteer with DarkLight Ministries, please Contact Us today!